If you have ever thought about getting a spa or hot tub and haven’t because you are scared of keeping up on the chemicals – Fear no more! This article will show you just how easy it can be!!
There are many different types of sanitizers you can use to keep your spa clean; chlorine, bromine, salt, minerals combined with bromine or chlorine just to name a few. We have used all of the above in the spas we run in our store. I can tell you that the system we are currently using on our La Z Boy Spas called Aquazure has been by far the easiest system we have found and it keeps the water the cleanest!
No matter what sanitizer you use the first thing you should do once your spa is filled is to let it heat up to at least 85 degrees. You are then going to balance the alkalinity, pH and then calcium. Once this is done you can add the sanitizer. By balancing the water first your sanitizer will work more effectively. From here you just need to monitor the chemical balances about once a week. I suggest having your local hot tub / spa retailer do that for you. This takes all the guess work out of knowing how much you need to add. They can also keep an eye on the water and let you know when it should be emptied and refilled. This depends on how often you use your spa. We use ours every day to every other day and change the water about once every 6 weeks.
Most spa manufacturers suggest adding water clarifier and stain & scale on a weekly basis as well as a shock product. I agree that this is good practice. These products will prolong the life of your hot tub or spa shell not to mention the motors, jets and plumbing.
Your water is balanced – now what? Only one more step to go – you should rinse off the spa filters once a week and chemically clean them once a month.
We give all of our spa / hot tub owners a sheet showing them what they should be doing on a weekly basis and what needs to be done right now. We try to make taking care of a spa as easy as we can.
If you follow these simple steps your spa will be very easy to maintain. Remember a great spa/hot tub retail store is a good source for helping you keep that spa water at its best!