There are many different types of Above Ground swimming pools – steel wall, inflatable soft sided pools, metal support soft sided pools, and half in the ground pools to name a few. I grew up with an above ground swimming pool and I can remember all of the fun we had playing in it during the summer. In the past 7-10 years big box stores began selling inflatable soft sided pools which in turn gave way to metal frame soft sided pools. These pools are inexpensive and usually only last through 1 -2 swimming seasons. There are pros and cons to owning one of these pools. The only pro I can think of is affordability. Soft sided pools allow a homeowner to “try out” having a pool in order to see if they really want a pool. Unfortunately the up keep or maintenance of the pool can be more work than they are worth.
I talk to people every day about the problems with their pools and how they can make their pools more user friendly. The biggest problem with the soft sided pools is filtration. One of the reasons why the pools are so inexpensive is because the pump and filter system is not adequate for the pool. I recommend running the pumps on these pools 24/7. You can get a filter that will work on the pool but the cost of it is generally more than what you paid for the pool. The filtration on a steel wall pool is a bit different in that we size the pump and filter for the swimming pool to ensure proper water turn over in the pool. There are charts and graphs that manufacturers use to determine what pump and filter will work on what size pool. Filtration and water chemistry are the two big keys in maintaining a swimming pool.
We often have people come in looking for parts for their soft sided pools. It is a bit challenging at times to find the part that may work because the size of the plumbing that is used on a soft sided pool is different than a steel wall pool. This problem was made easier last year when the manufacturers of the soft sided pools made available to retailers a few replacement parts for the pumps and filters. The down side is that they are expensive. Parts for steel walled pools are available from the pools manufacturer. The parts for the pumps and filters of these pools are very common and pool stores usually have them in stock and most are very reasonably priced.
Durability of the pools is another key point. A soft sided pool can be torn easily (weed trimmers are a big culprit). It takes a bit more to damage a steel wall pool. The walls are not a plastic material they are made from galvanized steel. The liners for steel wall pools are very available and tend to be stronger overall.
Cost is another issue many homeowners face when deciding what kind of above ground pool they would like to have. There is a cost difference but you have to look at the big picture – the amount of time every week that it takes to keep the pool looking its best. A customer once told me “I cannot believe how much easier my pool is to take care of than my soft sided pool”. If you can keep a soft sided pool looking good, you owe it to yourself to get a steel wall pool and begin enjoying your Summer.